You have found the GIVE ME JESUS podcast! So often in our daily lives there are a lot of voices, messages, agendas, and ideas crying out for our attention. In the midst of that chaos we are all navigating different seasons of conflict, busyness, struggle, suffering, or complex life issues. Then, as Believers, we are trying to figure out how we follow Jesus through all of these constantly moving pieces.

There are days where we are simply looking for…
- answers to our questions
- solutions for our problems
- direction for our confusion
- wisdom for our circumstance

What we often forget in the daily struggle is that JESUS is the best answer, the best solution, the best direction, and offers the best wisdom.  We don't need to GIVE ourselves anything but Jesus...


These podcasts are meant to be tools in your discipleship journey that we believe will help you to "not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by renewing the way you think" as Paul indicates in Romans 12:1-2.

These are good for listening to in a group and discussing, playing in the car while driving, as personal devotional tools, or to share with people you feel would be blessed by them. But keep one thing in mind... they have been written and recorded for the sake of multiple listening attempts, as there is a lot to absorb and digest in each one.

We hope you check them out, and hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit in each one specifically to you!